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Welcome to the Food Scientists Podcast! We have lively, often ridiculous, conversation about food. If you want passionate opinions and analysis of Oreos, Blizzards, Buffets, snacks from around the world, and the like you will love us.

Have an opinion you'd like to share? Call or text us at 402-YUM-FOOD (402-986-3663). Want to join our studio audience? Our podcast recordings are streamed live on YouTube.

If you want to hear conversation about salad… we have discussed “sugar salad.”

Jun 16, 2020

Is croissant pizza better than french bread pizza? We discuss this and so much more in this week's episode.

Full episode breakdown:

  • Food News
  • Food Experiences
  • DiGiorno Croissant Crust Pizza
  • Spicy Chips - Buffalo Mac & Cheese, Spicy Pickle
  • Pearson Thins - Nut Goodie, Bun, Bit O Honey, Nut Roll

phone (text or call): 402-YUM-FOOD (‪402-986-3663‬)